Devlog-3 "Cat rancher"

I'm back again!

I have made ridiculous progress in cat rancher, I added a main menu, a settings menu, a inventory system (FINALLY!!), and a guest system. The menus were easy to design and took me about 1 day of hard work, on the other hand the inventory system was horrible and took me days to make playable as well as 2 guides. Finally the Guest system was designed to be modular like the growing system and allow multiple different guests. Here's a snippet of the Guest Script: 

Guest Code

I'm pretty sure there's a way to optimize this but I'll have to figure it out (Because this is over 157 lines, HELP)!
Although in game it looks like this:

Guest interaction

The Dialogue is pretty bland right now but I'll fix it eventually.
Also the Inventory syncs with the "quest" the guests give you,  meaning if you give them the correct items then they will pay you!


The player's current level is also displayed on the side as well!
Now for the main menu and settings menu, both are pretty barebones but serve their purpose for now:

Main menu
Settings menu

Little Note here: for some reason my old posts wouldn't load pictures, currently fixing that!
Future Plans(for now):

  • House system
  • Seasons
  • More Guests
  • Better Dialogue
  • Cooking and fishing system
  • Artisan Machines

Thats it, see ya! 

Get Cat Rancher Alpha-Demo


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(1 edit)

I don't understand the formatting problem and I'm trying to fix it.

Edit: Fixed it sorta.