Devlog-2 "Cat rancher"

Hey there I'm back,

I have made good progress adding a money system, adding a  modular growing system, and adding a new crop. The hardest part by far was making a farming system reusable and not hard coded.  The money system was really simple though, all I had to do was make a global variable called money and make some UI. I also remade the clock UI and it now shows the exact time! (coin sprite) 


New UI
I also added a pause menu that lets you exit or resume!

Pause menu

(Yes it does stop time)

The UI definitely needs some artistic touch but it'll do for now.

Anyway the newer crop(Carrots) are major stepping stone to adding more plants to this system (P.S comment any plants or crops you wanna see in game)

For the near future I really want to add:

-Potatoes and raspberries(some of my favorites!) and wheat (to test out a fermentation mechanic)

-also finally add some guests to the island, 2 should do for now

-The inventory system because I keep putting it off (They suck to make)

- And finally the shop system, now that we have money!  

That's all, See ya!

Get Cat Rancher Alpha-Demo

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